Transpire Post-Mortem #4

1 min readFeb 11, 2021

Some of my narrative choices, such as for Chapter Three, directly determined the choice of characters for specific scenarios. For example, within the College chapter, scene C depicts Elyse being caught by a lecturer being sick in the college girl’s bathroom. Therefore, this indicted that the character of the college lecturer should identify as female, as they would be more likely to be using the bathroom and witness the scene as opposed to a male character. At other times, male characters are included in order to diversify the cast, such as within the same chapter, I made the college bully a male as it fitted with the idea of him overcoming his school experience and reinventing himself for his college life. It also differentiated from the traditional girl on girl bullying stereotype and helps to highlight that anyone could potentially be a bully.

Likewise, within Chapter 4 — The Lonely Adult, I decided to include a male housemate to break up the otherwise all female household which, in turn, would change the atmosphere of the living environment. For example, all female environments can be stereotypically be “cat-like”, mostly due to the high hormone levels whereas males tend to be more laid back in nature.

